Studien zur Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns
Herausgegeben von Heinz A. Richter
Band 89
Heinz A. Richter, German-Greek Relation 1940-1960 and the Merten Affair
108 pages text, 28 photos on 12 pages, hard cover, 20 Euro, 2019;
ISBN 978-3-447-11177-5 online bestellen
This study describes the developments of the German-Greek relations from 1940 to 1960.
It begins with the occupation of Greece and describes the organisational structures
of the German army in Greece. It analyses the functions and competences of a
Kriegsverwaltungsrat which was the function of Max Merten.
Merten in the early war years
Merten and the prosecution of the Jews
Merten in the postwar years
Reparations and the Merten case
Merten's fight for rehabilitation
Merten's "treasures"
Index of Names